Education Software


Auburn University had nearly 30,000 enrolled students for the 2017-2018 academic year, and they are supported and taught by over 5,000 full-time employees. By purchasing large-scale site licenses instead of individual licenses, the OIT Software Licensing team has been able to ensure that the university gets the best deal to better serve our campus community.

Box Logo

After extensive research by distributed IT providers and OIT, Auburn selected Box as a cloud-based storage and sharing system. By purchasing a campus-wide license for Box instead of different units purchasing on a smaller scale, the University saves* more than $15,000,000 over the MSRP each year.


LastPass Logo

By purchasing a campus-wide license for LastPass instead of each person purchasing a license, the University saves* more than $2,500,000 over the MSRP each year.

Adobe Creative Cloud Logo

By working with the Provost's office to procure a campus-wide license for students to have Adobe Creative Cloud, the University saves* more than $3,000,000 over the MSRP each year.


There are many other programs that the University uses for specific departments and classes. When you add it all up, buying licenses across multiple units, or all of campus, saves* the University nearly $600 Million each year! You can see a full list of approved software systems here.

*Please note that this is when compared to purchasing the same number of licenses individually at retail price.

Last Updated: February 23, 2021