Common Data Set

G. Annual Expenses - 2006

Cost of Attendance

Provide 2007-2008 academic year costs of attendance for the following categories that are applicable to your institution.

X Check here if your institution's 2007-2008 academic year costs of attendance are not available at this time and provide an approximate date (i.e., month/day) when your institution's final 2007-2008 academic year costs of attendance will be available: 

G1. Undergraduate full-time tuition, required fees, room and board

List the typical tuition, required fees, and room and board for a full-time undergraduate student for the FULL 2006-2007 academic year (30 semester or 45 quarter hours for institutions that derive annual tuition by multiplying credit hour cost by number of credits). A full academic year refers to the period of time generally extending from September to June; usually equated to two semesters, two trimesters, three quarters, or the period covered by a four-one-four plan. Room and board is defined as double occupancy and 19 meals per week or the maximum meal plan. Required fees include only charges that all full-time students must pay that are not included in tuition (e.g., registration, health, or activity fees.) Do not include optional fees (e.g., parking, laboratory use).

Public Institutions First-year Undergraduates
In-district: $5,000 $5,000
In-state (out-of-district): $5,000 $5,000
Out-of-state: $15,000 $15,000
Nonresident aliens: $15,176 $15,176
Required fees: $256 $256
Room and board (on-campus): $7,564 $7,564
Room only (on-campus): $3,250 $3,250
Board only (on-campus meal plan): $4,314 $4,314

G2. Number of credits per term a student can take for the stated full-time tuition:

Minimum: 10 credit hours

Maximum:  15 credit hours

G3. Do tuition and fees vary by year of study (e.g., sophomore, junior, senior)? No

G4. If tuition and fees vary by undergraduate instructional program, describe briefly: Course fees vary

G5. Provide the estimated expenses for a typical full-time undergraduate student:

Expenses Residents Commuters (living at home) Commuters (not living at home)
Books and supplies $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Room only $3, 250   $3, 250
Board only * $4, 314 $4, 314
Transportation $1,804 $ 1,804
Other expenses $2,484 $2, 484

*Estimates provided as Auburn has no board plans

G6. Undergraduate per-credit-hour charges (tuition only)

Public institutions Charges
In-district: $207.00
In-state (out-of-district): $207.00
Out-of-state: $621.00
Nonresident aliens: $621.00
Last updated: 12/10/2021