Common Data Set

A. General Information - 2023

A0. Respondent Information (Not for Publication)

Name: Danielle Navarrete

Title: Analyst III

Office: Institutional Research

Mailing Address: 203 Samford Hall

City/State/Zip/Country: Auburn University, AL  36849-5111 USA

Phone: (334) 844-4765

Fax: (334) 844-4773

E-mail Address:

Are your responses to the CDS posted for reference on your institution’s Web site? Yes

If yes, please provide the URL of the corresponding Web page:

A1. Address Information

Name of University: Auburn University

Mailing Address: The Quad Center, Auburn University, AL 36849-1111 USA

Main Phone Number: (334) 844-4000

WWW Home Page Address:

Admissions Phone Number: (334) 844-6425 or 1-800-AUBURN9 (in Alabama)

Admissions Office Mailing Address: The Quad Center, Auburn University, AL 36849-1111 USA

Admissions Fax Number: (334) 844-6436

Admissions E-mail Address:

Undergraduate Admission Application URL:

Graduate Admission Application URL:

A2. Source of institutional control

Public yes
Private (nonprofit) no
Proprietary no

A3. Classify your undergraduate institution

Coeducational college yes
Men's college no
Women's college no

A4. Academic calendar year

Semester yes
Quarter no
Trimester no
4-1-4 no
Continuous no
Differs by program (describe:) no
Other (describe:) no

A5. Degrees offered by your institution

Certificate yes
Diploma no
Associate no
Transfer Associate no
Terminal Associate no
Bachelor's yes
Post-bachelor's certificate yes
Master's yes
Post-master's certificate yes
Doctoral degree - research/scholarship yes
Doctoral degree - professional practice yes
Doctoral degree - other no

A6. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

If you have a diversity, equity, and inclusion office or department, please provide the URL of the corresponding Web page:
Last updated: 05/28/2024