Common Data Set

H. Financial Aid - 2023

Aid Awarded to Enrolled Undergraduates

H1. Enter total dollar amounts awarded to enrolled full-time and less than full-time degree-seeking undergraduates (using the same cohort reported in CDS Question B1, “total degree-seeking” undergraduates) in the following categories. (Note: If the data being reported are final figures for the 2022-2023 academic year (see the next item below), use the 2022-2023 academic year's CDS Question B1 cohort.) Include aid awarded to international students (i.e., those not qualifying for federal aid). Aid that is non-need-based but that was used to meet need should be reported in the need-based aid columns. (For a suggested order of precedence in assigning categories of aid to cover need, see the entry for “non-need-based scholarship or grant aid” on the last page of the definitions section.)

Indicate the academic year for which data are reported for Items H1, H2A, and H6 below:
2023-2024 estimated no
2022-2023 final yes
Which needs-analysis methodology does your institution use in awarding institutional aid?
Federal methodology (FM) yes
Institutional methodology (IM) no
Both FM and IM no


Need-based $ (Include non-need-based aid used to meet need.)

Non-need-based $(Exclude non-need-based aid used to meet need.)


$20,661,099 $10,208,925

State (i.e., all states, not only the state in which your institution is located)

$2,578,388 2,734,134

Institutional: Endowed scholarships, annual gifts and tuition funded grants, awarded by the college, excluding athletic aid and tuition waivers (which are reported below).

$36,597,624 $66,133,972

Scholarships/grants from external sources (e.g., Kiwanis, National Merit) not awarded by the college

$3,195,365 $6,602,018

Total Scholarships/Grants

$63,032,476 $85,679,049


Need-based $ (Include non-need-based aid used to meet need.)

Non-need-based $(Exclude non-need-based aid used to meet need.)

Student loans from all sources (excluding parent loans)

$58,305,883 $23,436,204

Federal Work-Study


State and other (e.g., institutional) work-study/employment (Note: Excludes Federal Work-Study captured above.)

Total Self-Help

$58,635,368 $23,436,204


Need-based $ (Include non-need-based aid used to meet need.)

Non-need-based $(Exclude non-need-based aid used to meet need.)

Parent Loans

$21,791,413 $25,344,652

Tuition Waivers
Reporting is optional. Report tuition waivers in this row if you choose to report them. Do not report tuition waivers elsewhere.

$2,379,290 $10,007,846

Athletic Awards

$574,943 $14,838,003

H2. Number of Enrolled Students Awarded Aid: List the number of degree-seeking full-time and less-than-full-time undergraduates who applied for and were awarded financial aid from any source. Aid that is non-need-based but that was used to meet need should be counted as need-based aid. Numbers should reflect the cohort awarded the dollars reported in H1. Note: In the chart below, students may be counted in more than one row, and full-time, first-time. first-year students should also be counted as full-time undergraduates.

Type of Student Full-time First-time First-year Full-time Undergraduate (Incl. Fresh.) Less Than Full-time Undergraduate

a) Number of degree-seeking undergraduate students (CDS Item B1 if reporting on Fall 2021 cohort)

5,303 22,979 2,400

b) Number of students in line a who applied for need-based financial aid

4,119 17,077 1,436

c) Number of students in line b who were determined to have financial need

1,970 7,379 528

d) Number of students in line c who were awarded any financial aid

1,969 7,376 528

e) Number of students in line d who were awarded any need-based scholarship or grant aid

1,765 5,818 314

f) Number of students in line d who were awarded any need-based self-help aid

1,038 4,984 399

g) Number of students in line d who were awarded any non-need-based scholarship or grant aid

401 1,063 23

h) Number of students in line d whose need was fully met (exclude PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans)

396 1,133 33

i) On average, the percentage of need that was met of students who were awarded any need-based aid. Exclude any aid that was awarded in excess of need as well as any resources that were awarded to replace EFC (PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans)

59.0% 49.0% 31.0%

j) The average financial aid package of those in line d. Exclude any resources that were awarded to replace EFC (PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans)

$14,230 $12,401 $6,578

k) Average need-based scholarship and grant award of those in line e

$11,803 $10,078 $5,903

l) Average need-based self-help award (excluding PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans) of those in line f

$3,368 $4,216 $3,677

m) Average need-based loan (excluding PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans) of those in line f who were awarded a need-based loan

$3,325 $4,176 $3,666

H2A.Number of Enrolled Students Awarded Non-need-based Scholarships and Grants: List the number of degree-seeking full-time and less-than-full-time undergraduates who had no financial need and who were awarded institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid. Numbers should reflect the cohort awarded the dollars reported in H1. Note: In the chart below, students may be counted in more than one row, and full-time, first-time, first-year students should also be counted as full-time undergraduates.

Type of Student Full-time First-time First-year Full-time Undergrad (Incl. Fresh.) Less Than Full-time Undergrad

n) Number of students in line a who had no financial need and who were awarded institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid (exclude those who were awarded athletic awards and tuition benefits)

1,834 6,392 203

o) Average dollar amount of institutional non-need-based scholarship and grant aid awarded to students in line n

$9,133 $8,326 $4,900

p) Number of students in line a who were awarded an institutional non-need-based athletic scholarship or grant

121 491 6

q) Average dollar amount of institutional non-need-based athletic scholarships and grants awarded to students in line p

$29,796 $30,083 $11,200

H3. Incorporated into H1 above.

Note: These are the graduates and loan types to include and exclude in order to fill out CDS H4 and H5.


  • 2023 undergraduate class: all students who started at your institution as first- time students and received a bachelor's degree between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
  • only loans made to students who borrowed while enrolled at your institution.
  • co-signed loans.


  • students who transferred in.
  • money borrowed at other institutions.
  • parent loans
  • students who did not graduate or who graduated with another degree or certificate (but no bachelor's degree)
  • Any aid related to the CARE Act or unique the COVID-19 pandemic.

H4. Provide the number of students in the 2023 undergraduate class who started at your institution as first-time students and received a bachelor's degree between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. Exclude students who transferred into your institution: 4,175

H5. Number and percent of students in class (defined in H4 above) borrowing from federal, non-federal, and any loan sources, and the average (or mean) amount borrowed.

NOTE: The “Average per-undergraduate-borrower cumulative principal borrowed,” is designed to provide better information about student borrowing from federal and nonfederal (institutional, state, commercial) sources. The numbers, percentages, and averages for each row should be based only on the loan source specified for the particular row. For example, the federal loans average (row b) should only be the cumulative average of federal loans and the private loans average (row e) should only be the cumulative average of private loans.

Source/Type of Loans

Number in the class (defined in H4 above) who borrowed from the types of loans specified in the first column

Percent of the class (defined above) who borrowed from the types of loans specified in the first column (nearest 1%)

Average per-undergraduate-borrower cumulative principal borrowed from the types of loans specified in the first column (nearest $1)

a) Any loan program: Federal Perkins, Federal Stafford Subsidized and Unsubsidized, institutional, state, private loans that your institution is aware of, etc. Include both Federal Direct Student Loans and Federal Family Education Loans.

1,540 37% $33,430

b) Federal loan programs: Federal Perkins, Federal Stafford Subsidized and Unsubsidized. Include both Federal Direct Student Loans and Federal Family Education Loans.

1,465 35% $19,838

c) Institutional loan programs.

13 0.3% $4,761

d) State loan programs.


e) Private alternative loans made by a bank or lender.

375 9% $59,620

Aid to Undergraduate Degree-seeking Nonresidents

H6. Indicate your institution's policy regarding institutional scholarship or grant aid for undergraduate degree-seeking nonresidents:

Institutional need-based scholarship or grant aid is available no
Institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid is available no
Institutional scholarship and grant aid are not available yes

If institutional financial aid is available for undergraduate degree-seeking nonresidents, provide the number of undergraduate degree-seeking nonresidents who were awarded need-based or non-need-based aid:
Average dollar amount of institutional financial aid awarded to undergraduate degree-seeking nonresidents:
Total dollar amount of institutional financial aid awarded to undergraduate degree-seeking nonresidents:

H7. Check off all financial aid forms nonresident first-year financial aid applicants must submit:

Institution's own financial aid form no
CSS Profile no
Other (specify): no

Process for First-Year Students

H8. Check off all financial aid forms domestic first-year financial aid applicants submit:

Institution's own financial aid form no
CSS Profile no
State aid form no
Noncustodial PROFILE no
Business/Farm Supplement no
Other (specify): no

H9. Indicate filing dates for first-year students:

Priority date for filing required financial aid forms: March 28 yes
Deadline for filing required financial aid forms: no
No deadline for filing required forms (applications processed on a rolling basis) yes

H10. Indicate notification dates for first-year students (answer a or b):

  1. Students notified on or about (date): _______
  2. Students notified on a rolling basis: Yes, starting date: April 15

H11.Indicate reply dates:

Students must reply by (date): May 1st
or within _______ weeks of notification.

Types of Aid Available

Please check off all types of aid available to undergraduates at your institution:

H12. Loans

Direct Subsidized Stafford Loans yes
Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans yes
Direct PLUS Loans yes
Federal Perkins Loans yes
Federal Nursing Loans yes
State Loans no
College/university loans from institutional funds yes
Other (specify): no

H13. Scholarships and Grants

Federal Pell yes
SEOG yes
State scholarships/grants yes
Private scholarships yes
College/university scholarship or grant aid from institutional funds yes
United Negro College Fund no
Federal Nursing Scholarship no
Other (specify): no

H14.Check off criteria used in awarding institutional aid. Check all that apply.

Criteria Non-Need Based Need-Based
Academics no no
Alumni affiliation no no
Art no no
Athletics no no
Job skills no no
ROTC no yes
Leadership no no
Minority status no no
Music/drama no no
Religious affiliation no no
State/district residency no no

H15. If your institution has recently implemented any major financial aid policy, program, or initiative to make your institution more affordable to incoming students such as replacing loans with grants, or waiving costs for families below a certain income level please provide details below:

Last updated: 05/28/2024